A special thank you to those who came here, commented, joined my blog. However, this has become too much for me. I'm an artist first and a tatter second I guess. So, I am dismantling this site. Had there been more enthusiasm perhaps I would have plugged away at it, but I feel the loss of this blog is no great thing to anybody. For some free tatting patterns, free tatting instructions or to purchase my pattern books please go to my website: http://www.tattingjustforyou.com Patricia Ann Rizzo

I have been reading your blog on my tablet. I have loved the patterns. I don't get to post through the reader but have to visit directly to post. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI will miss your blog if you decide to stop but of course you must make the decision that is right for you. Several of my students (who are 12-13 year olds and just learned to tat in the past six months like your patterns. Unfortunately they maybe don't even know to comment. We'll miss you.
ReplyDeleteI have played with a few of your patterns and read whatever you post faithfully...would miss your posts should you not. Completely would understand though, I seem only capable of sporadic blogging myself though I would like to do more, the day is always ended before I can manage it. I think it is kind of you to take the time and share your patterns.
ReplyDeleteI check out your blog!! :)
ReplyDeleteHi, this is the first time I've seen your blog and very nice designs! So now when people ask me where they can find some easier patterns, I'll let them know they can find some here.
ReplyDeleteI am planning on tatting one of your snowflakes. Don't go by comments to keep up your blog, some people never comment. I wouldn't have if I had not by chance seen this that you thought about closing it when I was planning on tatting your snowflake and need the link for when I blog it(I like to give a linked reference), I just pinned it for future reference! Anyway it's just sad and frustrating when I go through links to patterns and they are missing. And I can't imagine how that is for a newbie trying to find patterns to practice and such. I would hate for yours to be like that too.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on blogging is that blogging should be for YOU, if you love it do it just for that, if you hate it then don't do it! LOL ;-) I always love to find generous bloggers who freely share with others because that is what they love to do. <3
I rarely get comments on my own blog but that doesn't mean people don't enjoy my blog or appreciate what I've shared with them. I want to just share some joy with others, no strings attached, and if they happen to want to comment I'll always love it too. It's an added bonus, but not necessary. I never want to obligate people, I just want to bless them and share my work.
Anyway this is my 2 cents, LOL, I hope it's not offensive to you, I simply wanted to share how to just be happy even if not one person commented or joined the blog. (I also never join blogs. I will sometimes put them in google reader but that's about it, and if I do, I rarely tell them or comment even though I see every post.) Just don't tie your happiness in blogging to what other people do, it will just make you miserable.
Anyway I hope this could help encourage you. Sorry if I sounds "preachy" or "ranty" not my intentions. I just hate to see you unhappy. Best Wishes!